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4. Morale

The tab is used to control the morale values when outlining actions.


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Note: By default, this option is disabled in every action, but you can change this behavior by going to Menu -> My Account.

The first field "Only attackers ABOVE this morale value can be used" is used to decide what the lowest acceptable morale value is for the action. Often, this will be a value between 90-100, depending on the stage of the world, the targets for the actions, etc. The impact on the action's outcome is such that for a given target (each one individually!), the list of all permissible villages from which attacks could be outlined is filtered, excluding all those that do not meet our morale requirements.

So, in theory, having among many targets a few or several players with a small number of points, attacks on them will be outlined from players in the tribe also with a smaller number of points.

In extreme situations, you can uncheck the second option "Consider morale in this outline," which results in not considering morale.

Note that in tribes, there are three morale settings in order of popularity: point-based, point-and-time-based, and no morale:

  1. Point-based morale

    For the most popular setting, morale is based only on the points of the attacking and defending player, which the Planer implements exactly, although initial protections present on some worlds are not considered (although outlining actions with the Planer on villages of players who have been on the world for less than, for example, 2 weeks seems unlikely).

  2. Point-and-time-based morale

    In this case, besides points, morale is increased proportionally to the defender's time on the world, up to a maximum value of 50%. The game does not provide this type of data. However, the Planer collects data from all worlds on all game servers for many years, hence data regarding players' time on the world is taken (from an internal database maintained as part of the site). The result should be accurate and consistent with the game.

  3. No morale

    In this case, the tab is inactive, and the issue of morale is ignored.